hz usage(protobuf)
Create a project based on protobuf IDL
new: Create a new project
- Create the protobuf IDL file in the current directory
In order to support api annotations in protobuf, please import the following file in the proto file where the annotation is used
If you want to extend the annotations, please do not use “5” as the beginning of the serial number to avoid conflicts. For example, “optional string xxx = 77777;”
// idl/api.proto; Annotation extension
syntax = "proto2";
package api;
import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";
option go_package = "/api";
extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions {
optional string raw_body = 50101;
optional string query = 50102;
optional string header = 50103;
optional string cookie = 50104;
optional string body = 50105;
optional string path = 50106;
optional string vd = 50107;
optional string form = 50108;
optional string go_tag = 51001;
optional string js_conv = 50109;
extend google.protobuf.MethodOptions {
optional string get = 50201;
optional string post = 50202;
optional string put = 50203;
optional string delete = 50204;
optional string patch = 50205;
optional string options = 50206;
optional string head = 50207;
optional string any = 50208;
optional string gen_path = 50301;
optional string api_version = 50302;
optional string tag = 50303;
optional string name = 50304;
optional string api_level = 50305;
optional string serializer = 50306;
optional string param = 50307;
optional string baseurl = 50308;
extend google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions {
optional int32 http_code = 50401;
Main IDL definition
// idl/hello/hello.proto
syntax = "proto3";
package hello;
option go_package = "hertz/hello";
import "api.proto";
message HelloReq {
string Name = 1[(api.query)="name"];
message HelloResp {
string RespBody = 1;
service HelloService {
rpc Method1(HelloReq) returns(HelloResp) {
option (api.get) = "/hello";
- Create a new project
// Execute under GOPATH, if the dependencies of the main IDL and the main IDL are not in the same path, you need to add the "-I" option, its meaning is IDL search path, equivalent to the option "-I" for protoc
hz new -I idl -idl idl/hello/hello.proto
go mod init
// Tidy & get dependencies
go mod tidy
// Execute is not under GOPATH, add go mod name after "-module", if the dependencies of the main IDL and the main IDL are not in the same path, you need to add the "-I" option, its meaning is IDL search path, equivalent to the option "-I" for protoc
hz new -module example/m -I idl -idl idl/hello/hello.proto
// Tidy & get dependencies
go mod tidy
- Modify the handler and add your own logic
// handler path: biz/handler/hello/hello_service.go
// where "/hello" is the last level of go_package in protobuf IDL
// "hello_service.go" is the name of the service in protobuf IDL, all methods defined by the service will be generated in this file
// Method1 .
// @router /hello [GET]
func Method1(ctx context.Context, c *app.RequestContext) {
var err error
var req hello.HelloReq
err = c.BindAndValidate(&req)
if err != nil {
c.String(400, err.Error())
resp := new(hello.HelloResp)
// You can modify the logic of the entire function, not just the current template
resp.RespBody = "hello," + req.Name // added logic
c.JSON(200, resp)
- Compile the project
go build
- Run the project and test it
Run the project:
./{{your binary}}
curl --location --request GET ''
If it returns {"RespBody":"hello,hertz"}
, it works.
update: Update an existing Hertz project
- If your protobuf IDL is updated, for example:
// idl/hello/hello.proto
syntax = "proto3";
package hello;
option go_package = "hertz/hello";
import "api.proto";
message HelloReq {
string Name = 1[(api.query)="name"];
message HelloResp {
string RespBody = 1;
message OtherReq {
string Other = 1[(api.body)="other"];
message OtherResp {
string Resp = 1;
service HelloService {
rpc Method1(HelloReq) returns(HelloResp) {
option (api.get) = "/hello";
rpc Method2(OtherReq) returns(OtherResp) {
option (api.post) = "/other";
service NewService {
rpc Method3(OtherReq) returns(OtherResp) {
option (api.get) = "/new";
- Switch to the directory where the new command was executed and update the modified IDL
hz update -I idl -idl idl/hello/hello.proto
As you can see
Add new method under “biz/handler/hello/hello_service.go”
The file “new_service.go” and the corresponding “Method3” method have been added under “biz/handler/hello”
Now let’s develop the “Method2” interface
// Method1 .
// @router /hello [GET]
func Method1(ctx context.Context, c *app.RequestContext) {
var err error
var req hello.HelloReq
err = c.BindAndValidate(&req)
if err != nil {
c.String(400, err.Error())
resp := new(hello.HelloResp)
// You can modify the logic of the entire function, not just the current template
resp.RespBody = "hello," + req.Name // added logic
c.JSON(200, resp)
// Method2 .
// @router /other [POST]
func Method2(ctx context.Context, c *app.RequestContext) {
var err error
var req hello.OtherReq
err = c.BindAndValidate(&req)
if err != nil {
c.String(400, err.Error())
resp := new(hello.OtherResp)
// added logic
resp.Resp = "Other method: " + req.Other
c.JSON(200, resp)
- Compile the project
go build
- Run the project and test it
Run the project:
./{{your binary}}
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"Other": "other method"
If it returns {"Resp":"Other method: other method"}
, it works.
Last modified
July 3, 2023
: Update response.md 增加了部分函数的示例代码 (1a0fc1d)